8 Beauty Myths That Are Actually True| Beauty Facts

There are a lot of beauty myths that are very true that are followed by decades. We would have heard many tips from our moms and granny’s which are actually true. We all will like the idea of cutting the hair regularly will make your hair grow thick, but this is false. Yes, we are also hearing some false statements but neglecting the truth thinking it as a myth.

Lets us see some of the beauty myths which are true and will help you maintain the good and healthy body.

Rubbing your eyes can cause wrinkles:

It is the time for those people who have a habit of rubbing the eyes very frequently to stop it as soon as possible. Even you can choose this as your New Year resolution too. Because rubbing your eyes can cause wrinkles around the eyes. The delicate and smooth skin around the eyes loses the premature aging and causes the wrinkles.

Washing your hair with the beer can help your hair grow:

From the recent studies, it is proved that washing your hair with beer will increase the hair growth. As beer contains the vitamins and minerals that hair needs, it will help the hair grow faster than they are supposed to.

Tying Hair Tight can make them Weak:

If you have a habit to tie your hair tight then it is recommended to not do it anymore. If you tie your hairs tight for a bun or pony then you are arresting the blood circulation through the scalp which makes the hair growth weak. Instead leave the hair loose, free, or have a loose knot so that it will help the blood circulation.

Lip Balms can be addictive:

When you start applying lip balms your lips it will cause some dryness over a period of time. For this reason, you are forced to apply some lip balm to maintain the skin on lips.

Best place for perfume is fridge:

No doubt fridge is the best place to store the perfumes. As cool temperatures cannot harm your perfume instead it will last longer when you store in a place like a fridge.

Conditioners can clean hairs:

Conditioners can do the same as cleansers that people regularly use. But this trick will not suit for the oily scalp because it can make your hair greasier.

Mascara should be replaced for every three months:

As you regularly use mascara on your eyes, you will pull it out every day to apply. But the unknown thing is that it will catch up the bacteria easily when it is out of the tube. So it is always safe to replace the mascara once in three or four months.

Certain foods cause acne:

Yes, junk food is a common culprit, dairy products that contain whey (like milk, yogurt, and cheese) can cause acne.

All the above are the beauty myths which are very true. If you have something more in your mind do share with us in the comment session below.


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