Android M All Set To Arrive at Google I/O 2015

Google I/O conference was scheduled on 28th May 2015. It has revealed the schedule for 2 days for the upcoming event. Tech enthusiast waiting for Google I/O conference 2015 which is two days of hands-on interaction with the latest technologies, inspirational talks and a few surprises in between. Google has revealed small update about the new Android OS. This new android update has named as Android M, but the full name was not yet revealed. Last year the Android L was introduced but the name lollipop was revealed later. Google is following the same trend this year also.

Android M all set to arrive at Google IO 2015

Google I/O Conference :

Google I/O conference is the most waiting event for Tech enthusiast. The event schedule of events on the Google I/O site. At this event Google is going to reveal the complete with features that will revamp the Android experience at workplaces of the new Android OS Android M. Before reveling the schedule for Google I/O it stated “Android M is bringing the power of Android to all kinds of workplaces. This opens huge new markets for hundreds of millions of devices to workers at small business, desk less workers, logistics and warehousing jobs; all be empowered by adoption of Android devices at Work.”  At the event there are other interesting sessions in the Google I/O conference are centered around Android TV, Android Wear, etc.

New Android OS Android M :

Google’s Android distribution numbers reported that Android KitKat and Jelly Bean are together running on roughly 80 percent of active Android devices. While Google’s latest Android version, Lollipop, is running on nearly 10 percent active devices as per the firm’s own figures. The Google I/O Conference will commence on May 28 in San Francisco. The new Android version Android M will release at the conference.

Android M all set to arrive at Google IO 2015

Google is continuing the trend of not revealing the full name of the Updates versions. In all the social networking sites fun activities have started in guessing the full name of the Android M. The new Android version is expected to have the name of some sweet or ma be other also. The web giant follows an alphabetical order in naming Android successors. Last year they have released Android L, this year Android M.

Here you can know the Schedule of Google I/O conference

In the social site like twitter there is huge run about the Google I/O conference and new Android version “Android M”. Lot of Tech enthusiast are naming the Android M as Android Marshmallow ? Here we have listed some names which M stands for ?

  • Muffin
  • Milkshake
  • Macaroon
  • Moonpie
  • Mud pie
  • Meringue Pie
  • Marzipan
  • Malpoa
  • Malai Barfi
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