Union Bank Called Amitabh Bachchan with Her Daughter for A Jewelry Advertisement

Recently you have seen Amitabh Bachchan in a jewelry advertisement along with her daughter named Shweta Nanda. The disgusting part of the whole advertisement is that it has angered the body of a bank employee.


The advertisement is 1:30 minutes long. The ad is based on the Kerala jewelry chain. Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan starred the ad along with her daughter Shweta Nanda. After the advertisement is out on media union bank named this disgusting.bank union also stated that the ad is creating distrust in the whole banking system.

The committee of all India Bank which is consist of 3,20,000 officers all over India. All the officers of the union stated that they sue in the advertisement. The reason which they indicated to appeal is, advertisement hurts the feelings and sentiments if the people. Millions of people get hurt by this advertisement stated by officers of a bank union.

Views of Soumya Datta

Soumya Datta who is the General Secretary of AIBOC published his views and said that the whole idea, theme, tone, and tenor of the advertisement is disgusting. He said the advertisement only has the focus on commercial gains rather than the focus on the sentiments of viewers. Advertisement hurt the feelings and emotions of people added by Datta.

Statement from Kalyan Jewellers



Kalyan jewelers for which Amitabh Bachchan and her daughter spotted the advertisement stated that the allegations imposed on them by bank union are utterly baseless. He said we know that the negatives highlight’s of banks are lighting off in the advertisement. However, it was the pure fiction. This statement is given my Kalyan Jewellers to Datta in the form of a letter.

He also stated that in the next three business days the firm adds characters. Along with this they also mentioned that the situation displayed in the advertisement is fictional. He said that the brand has no intentions to hurt someone feelings or sentiments or to disrespect anyone.

In this advertisement you see Amitabh Bachchan playing a role of an old man. Shweta Nanda is playing the role of daughter in the advertisement too.



AIBOC said if the advertisement is not withdrawal by the makers we take strict actions towards the brand.

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