Faroe Islands: Heartbreaking Images Show Unborn Dead Calves Inside Slaughtered Long-Finned Pilot Wales

Faroe Islands: Heartbreaking Images Show Unborn Dead Calves Inside Slaughtered Long-Finned Pilot Wales

Warning! Distressing Images Below!! Watch On Your Own Risk!!! Images were shared on Facebook that showed unborn dead calves inside slaughtered long-finned pilot whales that were brutally killed during the annual whale hunting festival in…

Sea turns red after hundreds of whales slaughtered in annual whale hunt in Faroe Islands

Sea turns red after hundreds of whales slaughtered in annual whale hunt in Faroe Islands

The sea turned red after hundreds of whales were slaughtered in a centuries-old tradition in the Faroe Islands that slaughter whales. The Pilot Whales were herded towards the shore of Torshavn, which is the largest…
