​Live Pigs Are Being Used As Test Dummies In Cruel Crash Test Experiments

Horrible images have been released and they show alive pigs being used as dummies for cruel crash tests.

In a post that was by PETA on their website, it stated that the Research Institute for Traffic Medicine and Daping Hospital uses alive pigs in crash tests.

PETA said frightened animals are fastened to the car seats and are crashed into the walls, leaving them bloody, bruised, dead, and mangled.

PETA claims that the experiments force dogs into siting into an L-shaped right seat in a human sitting position.

PETA added, “They then affixed a disc to their heads with a steel wire rope, sewed sensors into their heads, held their heads up by their ears, dropped a hammer to hit the disc (causing the dogs’ heads to violently thrust backwards and resulting in whiplash, limping, and difficulty in moving hind limbs), and killed and dissected them.”

PETA also talked about how pigs were being treated at the Research Institute for Traffic Medicine and Daping Hospital.

In the post that PETA made on their website, they said, “ Experimenters tied live pigs to a metal sled for eight hours without providing them with water or food, screwed a metal block into their pelvis, inserted electrodes into their abdomen, slammed them into a wall – which caused multiple fractures and severe injuries to the animals’ spine, pelvis, and internal organs – and killed and dissected them.”

PETA added, “Experimenters starved pigs for 24 hours, deprived them of water for six hours, strapped them into a car seat with seat belts and ropes, slammed them into a wall – which caused them to sustain severe fractures, contusions, and lacerations; caused bleeding of their internal organs; and resulted in immediate death for half the animals used – and then dissected them.”

Anne Meinert, a spokeswoman for PETA, said letting animals being used in crash tests is simply cruel.

Animals that are used in the crash end up having bruises, internal bruising, broken bones, torn skin, lacerations, and in worst-case scenarios, death.

In the same blog that PETA posted about the horrible crash tests, they said companies all over the world, which do crash tests, should use other alternatives for their crash tests.

PETA said companies should use advanced technology such as clinical human studies, 3-D medical imaging, computer modeling, and manikin for the tests.

They added, “Other researchers have also used human cadavers and virtual reality (digital crash dummies) for the same purpose. In the 21st century, every car company on the planet should already have adopted these methods.”

What do you think about animals being used in Crash tests? Tell us what you think by dropping a comment below.

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