UPPSC LT Grade Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2018 Released @ uppsc.up.nic.in
UPPSC LT Grade Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2018 liberated for the upcoming examination on 29th July. Uttar Pradesh Public Services Commission to fill out 10,768 vacancies for LT (Licentiates Teacher) Grade Assistant Teacher.
The board has issued the admit card on uppsc.up.nic.in. And, to download the same, only those are allowed whose application status is Not Rejected. To take the print out, applicants need to enter their registration ID along with the Date of Birth and Gender.
UPPSC LT Grade Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2018
The online application submission was induced on 4th June and lasted until the 18th day of the same month. As per the expectations, Lakhs of contenders will appear for the test and for all of them, the admit card is imperative. The admit card comprises numerous important details of a candidate going to attend the examination.
Details to be given on the admit card:
- Name
- Roll Number
- Date Of Birth
- Gender
- Photograph
- Signature
- Exam Date
- Exam Center where aspirants need to reach.
- The timing of the test and various other instructions.
UPPSC LT Grade Call Latter 2018
It must be kept in mind that, downloading of admit card is not a choice, it is mandatory for each and every applicant who submitted the form on time. While having entry inside the main gates, staff will check out the admit card and will restrict all those who will not possess the same. Aspirants must report at the centre on time (as given on the admit card).
How To Download Admit Card
- This procedure begins with a visit at the authenticated web portal uppsc.up.nic.in.
- On the front page, a link to download admit card for LT Grade assistant teacher will be given.
- Hitting that URL will lead aspirants to another page where a few details are to be permeated.
- Candidate’s registration number, date of birth and gender, these details should match exactly with the same entered while filling out the application form.
- Then, press the download admit card button.
Exam Pattern
- The whole LT Grade examination is prorated into two parts.
- Part 1 will be for General studies comprising of 30 questions.
- A total of 120 questions from the concerned main subject will be asked.
- Each question comprises one mark.
- Two hours duration will be given to students to finish out the paper.