Download AIIMS Jodhpur Admit Card 2019 For Recruitment Exams Here
The AIIMS Jodhpur Admit Card for the 2019 recruitment exams of LDC, UDC, and DEO is now available for download on their official website. The AIIMS Jodhpur admit card 2019 can be downloaded from their official website which is aiimsjodhpur.edu.in. AIIMS Jodhpur is set to hold a CBT (Computer Based Test) for the recruitment before they conduct the Typing Skill Assessment, they will announce the date later-on. The AIIMS Jodhpur Computer Based Test will be held in different centers.
Here is the Direct Link for the AIIMS Jodhpur Admit Card 2019:
Click Here
How To Download the AIIMS Jodhpur Admit Card 2019
The first step is to visit their official website which is aiimsjodhpur.edu.in
The second step is to click the notice that you will find under the recruitment tab.
The third step is to click the download admit card link that is given in the notice.
The fourth step is to enter the required details.
The fifth step is to submit the details and download your AIIMS Jodhpur Admit Card 2019.
The syllabus for the three recruitment posts are also available on their official website, the recruitment test is being held to see the General Intelligence, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English Language and other skills of all the candidates who are set to take the exam.
For the Post of LDC, an MCQ Examination will happen in the morning between 9 am to 12 pm.
Candidates who applied for LDC are required to attend the examination.
All candidates who applied for more than 1 post are required to attend the morning for the LDC and the evening exam.
Candidates who will be absent during the exam date will be disqualified for the LDC Post.
An MCQ Examination will be held for the post of DEO and UDC from 3 pm to 6 pm.
All applicants who applied for the post of UDC and DEO are required to appear for the MCQ single exams.
The candidates are advised to download their admit cards from the official website of AIIMS Jodhpur which is www.aiimsjodhpur.edu.in.
Note: only admit cards that are downloaded from their official website are counted as the authentic and only cards that will allow you to take the exam. Also, there are no admit cards that are going to be sent through a carrier.