103-year-old defeats coronavirus and celebrates birthday in socially-distanced parade

A 103-year-old woman from Oklahoma, USA, celebrated her 103rd birthday a couple of months after she defeated the novel coronavirus.

Over the weekend, friends and family of Della Hathorne, carried out a socially-distanced birthday parade for the woman.

Talking about the parade, the woman said:

I didn’t know that they were gonna do all of that.

A family member who was with Hathorne said that the elderly got emotional throughout the parade that w as carried out for her.

The family member said:

She said, ‘I’m not going to cry. I’m not going to cry.’ Well, that’s what you have sleeves on your jacket so you can wipe your tears with that’. So that’s what she did. She does everything for everybody else’s. It’s time to do something for her.

Hathorne is the mother of 7 kids.

She is the grandmother of 26 kids and the great-grandmother of over 100.

She battled the coronavirus last year, where she had to spend 2 weeks at the Hospital Logal County in Guthrie.

She fought it off!

Lorenzo, her son, talked about the battle of her mother and said:

Can’t believe it. Because all of the rules are you don’t make it through if you’re a certain age because it’s hard on them.

Talking about battling the virus, the elderly woman said that there were some thoughts that helped her through tough times.

The 103-year-old said that everyone needs to live a life with no regrets.

She added:

Treat everybody right, treat everybody the same, and then try to eat good.

Happy birthday Mrs. Hathorne, you are an inspiration to many, many, many young people.