7-Month-Old Baby With Coronavirus Rushed To Hospital After Falling “Unconscious And Floppy”

Plympton, The United Kingdom: The mother of a 7-month-old baby who has contracted the novel coronavirus is currently urging people to stay inside their houses.

Courtney Barker, the mother of Arthur, the 7-month-old kid that has the virus, is also urging people to stop treating the lockdown measures as one big holiday.

Arthur was rushed to the Derriford Hospital on Thursday after his temperature soared to 39.3C, leading him to fall “unconscious and floppy”.

Arthur and his mother were self-isolating for 4 weeks along with his dad, mother, and 2 brothers.

3 family members of Courtney are vulnerable to the virus because they have heart disease, kidney disease, and severe asthma.

Courtney said Kenyon, her husband, left their house in Plympton twice in the period they had been isolating to pick up essentials.

Before being rushed to the hospital, Arthur had sore throat, cough, sickness, diarrhea, red, itchy ears, fatigue, runny nose, watery eyes, and a decrease in appetite.

After being brought to the hospital, Arthur was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.

The good thing is that their little baby is recovering at their house and is displaying only mild symptoms.

The mother says the government needs to be more strict with the lockdown measures.

She also said that people should stop leaving their houses for unnecessary trips.

Courtney mentioned that the staff of NHS was really good.

She said, “The staff and doctors in A&E and on the ward were amazing, and even the ambulance crew. They were so fast.”

However, Kenyon and the 9-year-old son of the couple are showing symptoms of the deadly virus.

Warning Of The Mother

On Facebook, Courtney shared a post, where she warned people from stopping to go outside for unnecessary trips.

The mother said in the post:

“I wasn’t going to post this because I didn’t want certain family members to get upset as some don’t know that Arthur has been poorly. However I’m getting fed up of people not taking isolation seriously and thinking it’s just one big holiday. COVID-19 sucks! This is my seven-month-old son, Arthur. He was rushed to hospital by ambulance three days ago! His temperature spiked to 39.3C after being given calpol, his heart rate was 206 BPM. He was unconscious and floppy! It was petrifying.”

The 7-month-old baby is currently on his fourth day of fighting the deadly virus.

The kid is now home.

The mother added:

“We have been self-isolating for four weeks (three of us are high risk). My husband was the only one who left the house (twice) for food essentials. Yet it has still managed to make its way into our house. We followed every guideline set, yet people aren’t aware the virus is air born. If someone coughs who has the virus it can stay in the air for up to three hours!! So PLEASE STAY HOME. If you do have to leave wear gloves and a medical mask. When you get home strip off and wash everything! The Government needs to be more strict! Is it really worth your life or anyone else’s life for the sake of a walk or a run? Or even a trip out in the car? Arthur is finally home today and has confirmed COVID-19 and we are doing everything we have been told to for him! He’s a little fighter. It’s awful to see my child so, so poorly.”

We hope Arthur and his family recovers fast!