Horrible Video Shows Wendy’s Manager Coughing On Customer’s Food Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Miramar, Florida: A video that is viral on the internet right now shows a Wendy’s fast-food restaurant manager in Miramar coughing on a customer’s food when she was wearing her face mask in a wrong way.

The customer, who has been identified as Natasha Senat, said she hoped employees were doing the right thing to keep customers safe during this pandemic.

The incident left her speechless, she said.

According to reports, Senat used Uber Eats to order the food on Tuesday at 3750 Utopia Dr.

The Uber Eats Driver recorded the incident.

The video shows employees not wearing their face masks properly.

Senat said she went to the restaurant to the complaint, and when she said, the manager denied that it was her in the video.

In the video, the manager could be seen coughing right into her hand and reach for the food.

In another part of the video, the manager coughed over an open bag of food.

The Uber Eats driver delivered the food, but he told Senat that he had a video to show her.

Recalling the moment, Senat said:

So he is showing me the video, I am thinking she is about to eat some of my fries. Never would I have imagined that she would cough while preparing food for the public.

The Wendy’s restaurant is operated by the Jae Restaurant Group, which owns 213 Wendy’s restaurants in Florida, Tennessee, New Mexico, and Texas.

Jae Restaurant Group released a statement about the incident after the video went viral on social media.

The statement reads:

We were very disappointed to see this video as this does not align with our company and brand standards.

Senat said she would have never known where her food came from and how it was handled if the driver did not record the video and show it to her.