Store Worker Pepper Sprays Violent Customer Who Refused To Wear Mask

A Los Angeles stoker worker pepper-sprayed a customer who turned violent after he was asked to wear a face mask inside a Ralphs grocery store in the Mid-Wilshire section.

Witnesses said that a store employee told the man that he had to wear a face mask if they want to come into the store.

The man then ramming a woman with a shopping cart, which led a worker then used pepper spray to incapacity the man and called the police.

A witness, who was not named, said:

I was just coming down to the end of an aisle and all of a sudden I heard some commotion and people were getting in the aisle. I looked down there and there was this guy just yelling at someone, and then all of a sudden you see him, you know, take the handles of his cart and just try to ram this woman.

The unnamed witness said that the man continued to scream at the woman as he pushed his cart into her.

She also said she saw another woman try to push the man out of the way.

She added:

I think he was just screaming about the mask. He didn’t want to wear a mask.

A video of the incident was also shared on social media, it showed the man sitting on the ground surrounded by milk, which was used to stop the pain that was caused by the pepper spray.