United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC) conducting the recruitment examination for 750 Assistant posts on 30th August 2015. All the candidates have downloaded their admit cards and are ready for the examination. Here is the important news for all the candidates whose exam center is at Imphal. UIIC rescheduling the recruitment of assistant examination to be held on 30th August 2015 at the Imphal center to Kohima. Read the below article for the examination venue.
United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC) Change of Test Centers:
United India Insurance Company Limited (Wholly owned by Govt. of India) under Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance (India), is a public sector General Insurance Company of India and one of the top General Insurers in Asia. Recently, UIIC has released the notification for for 750 Assistant posts and invited online applications from all the interested and eligible candidates. UIIC started registration process on 7th July 2015 and closed on 20th July 2015. All the candidates are ready for the examination which is going to be conducted on 30th August 2015. Aspirants have downloaded their hall tickets and are ready for the examination. Now, UIIC have changed the exam center of Imphal. Candidates whose exam center is at Imphal here is the important news that the center has been shifted to Kohima. The following is the shifted rescheduled address.
Venue of the Examination at Kohima:
National Institute Electronics and Information Technology, Meriema, New High Court Road, Post Box no. 733, Kohima: 797001, Nagaland.
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