12 Most Strangest And Awkward Things Put On Sale On The Internet

The Internet is a strange place – we have all come to accept this fact even though we don’t always realize exactly how weird the online world really is.  The web world is full of such weird stuff where you can find anything which might seem impossible or unbelievable otherwise. From toast to foreheads, you can sell/buy anything on the internet. Though there are probably hundreds of weird things that have been sold online over the years, here are the 12 most strange and awkward things we saw people being attempted to sell.

1. One Year Used Brush and Toothpaste Combo Pack – Price Rs. 25

Yes! This ‘brush and toothpaste combo pack’ which only genuine buyers can buy. It’s negotiable!

2. Hair of Britney Spears – Price: Starting Bid- $1,000,000

After Britney Spears went on one of her rants resulting in her all of her hair being cut off, the salon put her hair on eBay in hopes of making a quick fortune.

However, due to eBay’s policy, this person’s hopes in making a quick buck was -cut- short!

3. Get A Wife At Just Rs. 100/-

This one when a fed-up husband tried to sell off his gossiping wife at throw away price. Can’t imagine the condition of her husband 🙂 😛

This has to be a troll.

4. Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese – $28,000

A Miami woman’s 10-year-old grilled cheese sandwich, which had a bite taken out of it, bore the resemblance of the Virgin Mary to many eyes, including the maker of the sandwich. Jewellery maker Diana Duyser believed she was staring back at the Virgin Mary after taking the first bite of that fateful grilled cheese and immediately put it in a plastic bag, where it never collected even one spore of a mold for a decade. After finally deciding to sell the item, online casino GoldenPalace.com would stop at nothing to obtain the piece of what they call “pop culture” ultimately paying $28,000 for the sandwich.

5. Kari Smith’s Forehead – Price: $10,000

Kari Smith wanted a better financial future for her son Brady, hoping to be able to help him pay for his college education. In a moment of inspiration, Smith decided that the best and quickest way to raise some money for her son was to become a walking billboard. Had Smith thought a little harder about it, she may have been able to raise some money for her child in a little less permanent and controversial way, but instead she decided to sell her forehead as advertising space. The 30-year-old auctioned off her forehead and vowed to tattoo any slogan across it to any company that would fork out her asking price of $10,000.

Like the Virgin Mary grilled cheese, GoldenPalace.com just couldn’t resist, and after two days on eBay, the online casino clicked “buy now,” paying Smith the full $10,000, while she maintained her promise of tattooing GoldenPalace.com in black ink across her forehead.

6. Cow with his Son – Price Rs. 20,000

A cow with its son is kept for sale. It shows a seller who doesn’t want to split a family apart though he seems a little confused about the gender of his stock. How was he getting that milk?

However, the ‘son’ isn’t visible in the picture. Must be grazing!

7. A Ghost in a Jar – $55,992

A jar found in an abandoned cemetery reportedly haunted by a ghost was put up for auction by an Arkansas seller and fetched just under $56,000 when the eBay auction closed. The owner of the ghost was apparently being terrorized by the spectre in the jar and wanted to get rid of it – selling it being clearly the best course of action – and told buyers that he would not be responsible for what happens to the jar’s new owner. While the winning bid for jar actually reached $55,992, the winner of the auction did not pay for the ghost, either in fear of their newfound spectre or in a moment of clarity given the cost of said ghost.

Anything gets sold on eBay

8. The Whole Country of New Zealand

Starting Bid- AU $0.01, Ending Bid- AU $3,000

A citizen of Australia attempted to sell the country of New Zealand in May 2006.  The bid had reached $3000 before it was taken down due to a violation of eBay’s policy.  I guess you can’t sell a country without the consent of its people.

9. A slightly damaged laptop – Price: R 21, 000

Yes, just slightly damaged. There is a little damage of screen and keyboard. That’s it.

Mind that you need to bend the keyboard slightly down to fit the CD-ROM.

10. 2 Notes of Rs. 10 worth Rs. 2,000 

Apparently, you can spend Rs. 2,000 to earn Rs. 20, because the notes have “lucky” serial numbers.

We suppose owning those notes could be considered lucky – because if someone actually buys them then the person who had them just made an easy Rs. 1,980 profit.

11. A cornflake shaped like Illinois State– $1,350

Americans are no doubt patriotic, but sometimes it seems there may not be any limit to which some will go in order to show their pride for their country. In 2008, two sisters from Virginia were so shocked when they found a cornflake that was roughly the shape of Illinois that they put it up for sale. The winning bidder was a Texas owner of a trivia Web site who was collecting pop culture memorabilia and Americana items, including the corn flake, to add to a travelling museum. While the resemblance is actually uncanny (for a cereal), the fragility of the corn flake along with the price tag seems a bit much.

Next time pay attention to the shape of corn flake you are having!!

12. The Meaning of Life – $3.26

We all search for the meaning of life, no? Why are we here? What’s our purpose? Well, in 2000 a North Carolina native decided to help the rest of us out and sell the meaning of life on eBay. The cryptic message accompanying the North Carolina native’s auction stated: “I have discovered the reason for existence, and will be happy to share this information with the highest bidder.”

Apparently, the meaning of life is a relatively inexpensive item to purchase on eBay, either that or most of us really don’t care that much to know the answer. The bid started at a penny and netted the seller a mere $3.26 a week later, proving that there are much more important things than the meaning of life to spend one’s money on.