Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is now being in the news for a reason and that is her photo with Vin Diesel. Deepika has been winning hearts for her attire, action and her attitude. Hence, a lot of young boys follow her in many ways. She even had a huge fan following. Recently she shared a picture of her with Hollywood actor Vin Diesel.
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) December 4, 2015
People think that is it the real image of Vin Diesel or his dupe. People started speculating if the bald head we see in the picture is indeed Vin Diesel.
At last, the confusion was lifted and we got to know that the photo she posted was indeed with Vin Diesel. This seems that Deepika is going to be a part of the XXX project beside Vin Diesel. This new photo is going viral on The internet.
Since Vin Diesel is busy with @deepikapadukone, we at #Housefull3 are making do with Vin Petrol ?
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 8, 2015
Even Akshay Kumar replied for her photo. Akshay posted a photo in which Akshay, Abhishek and Ritesh Deshmukh were seen with a dummy of Vin Diesel. It seemed that it is going to be a Houseful 3. Thus, Akshay is trolling Deepika Padukone with his funny post.