Television actor Kushal Tandon, who is well known for his role in the daily serial “Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai“, has been in the news since few days. Kushal recently went to a movie theatre. Suddenly, when the National Anthem began playing, he noticed that everyone in the theatre stood up but a girl in the front row did not.
Whenever, the National Anthem is playing around us, it is a minimum responsibility of us to stand up until the anthem completes. As the girl didn’t get up, Kushal was frustrated and got angry. Thus, Kushal went to the girl to see check who the lady was and he was surprised. The girl was Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel.
Hence, Kushal took to Twitter and claimed that he saw the actress disrespecting the national anthem. Kushal tweeted saying that Ameesha was busy with her phone while others had stood up to pay respects to the national anthem. And the fight has now escalated as the actress seems to be really miffed with the remark.
Whoever that so called kushal Tandon is is a a real jackass n invades privacy of women
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Idiot kushal Tandon had the nerve to tweet that I didn’t get up during national anthem. Did the jackass ask why?
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Women we all need to slap kushal. I had the monthly girly problem. Getting up wud have caused a blood flow on the theatre ground
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
I waited for the film to start so I cud address my GirLY problem in the bathroom. Didn’t know that kushal wud make it a national issue
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Assholes like kushal who invade the privacy of a woman n their problems need 2 b slapped.idiot culdnt even win big boss
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
I feel like laughing because no one including me n my friends even recognised him. He needed 2 tweet for publicity. What a jackass
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Obviously kushal had no mothers n sisters or any steady girlfriend so he doesn’t know when to open his durty mouth n respect girly intimacy
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
It is disgusting to all women that I had to openly justify a regular problem that women face evry month.. Kushal is an asshole
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
He is immature n u guess needed some topic to be noticed publicly… Shameful.. I had to actuli speak about an intimate detail Bkoz of him
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Ameesha took to twitter to respond to what Kushal claimed and while clarifying on why she didn’t get up from the seat, she talked about her ‘girl problem’.