Actor turned politician Chiranjeevi’s birthday celebrations this year would be going to be a memorable one for him and his fans. Megastar of Tollywood Chiranjeevi who is busy in launching himself as a hero of his ambitious 150th movie would be turning out 60 years old this 22nd of August 2015. Close sources of him and family member of Megastar are planning to make his 60th birthday celebrations a memorable one.
Birthday Bash of Chiranjeevi to be Graced by Big B and Aamir Khan
Megastar Chiranjeevi who had been trimming himself again for heroic physique and personality had put down a few pounds of weight for his much awaited aspirational 150th movie project would be celebrating his 60th birthday bash on August 22, 2015. After being busy with his political career since past 8 years Megastar has claimed in the recent times that he would like to end his movie career with a good note of making 150th movie. Mega fans and the Tollywood Telugu film industry fans have been briefed with many speculative news updates of his upcoming project.
Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan are speculated to attend the 60th birthday bash of Tollywood Megastar and man of masses Chiranjeevi. Confidential sources of Telugu film industry are reporting that Mega Power Star Ram Charan Tej would be hosting the grand party for his father this weekend at a high profile hotel which has yet to be disclosed.
Close of aide of Ram Charan Tej said “Invitations have been sent to Amitabh ji and Aamir ji. Both of them have confirmed to attend the event at all cost” on the condition of anonymity. The source further added that “Charan is very close to the Bachchan family and when he extended a personal invitation, Bachchan ji immediately agreed to be a part of the event.”
Mega fans have already started out the birthday celebrations across both the Telugu speaking states Telangana and Andhra Pradesh while everyone is waiting for the mega day of Megastar Chiranjeevi.
Pawan Kalyan to Grace Megastar Chiranjeevi Birthday Celebrations Event
Mega brothers Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan have been in the news since a long while about the scraps and conflicts of them. In some of the public gatherings and events both the mega brothers Power star Pawan Kalyan and Megastar Chiranjeevi have been witnessed avoiding each other’s presence. Although both have failed to quote any outraged comments over each other in this regard when they have asked about it neither of them have either shared sugar coated words. Anyways it has become a story of another Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan like story in Tollywod Telugu film industry.
However here is good news to for all fans the of mega brother which end up all these hearsays as the close sources of Megs brothers family claimed that “Telugu stars such as Venkatesh, Nagarjuna and Jagapathi Babu are also expected to attend it. Chiranjeevi’s brother Pawan Kalyan, who is busy shooting for ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’, will also be present.” Stay tuned with us for more trending and updated alerts of Indian cinema by pressing Ctrl+D by bookmarking for easy navigation.