“Brothers” is an upcoming Indian action-drama film. The movie is based on Mixed Martial arts (MMA) directed by Karan Malhotra and produced by Dharma Productions, Lionsgate Films and Endemol India. The film featuring Akshay Kumar, Sidharth Malhotra and Jacqueline Fernandez in leading roles, while Jackie Shroff and Shefali Shah Play the supporting roles. The film is an official remake of the 2011 Hollywood film Warrior. Brothers movie first look poster of the film was released on 9 March 2015. Ajay-Atul is composing the music for the film while Hemant Chaturvedi handled cinematography of this film “Brothers”. The film is scheduled to hit the theater screens worldwide on 14th April 2015 Friday.
Brothers Movie Cast and Crew:
Director : Karan Malhotra
Producer : Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Endemol India
Writter : Siddharth-Garima
Story : Gavin O’Connor, Cliff Dorfman
Starring :
- Akshay Kumar
- Sidharth Malhotra
- Jacqueline Fernandez
- Jackie Shroff
Music : Ajay-Atul
Cinematography : Hemant Chaturvedi
Editor : Akiv Ali
Production company : Dharma Productions, Lionsgate Films, Endemol India
Distributer : Fox Star Studios
Release dates : 14 August , 2015
Country : India
Language : Hindi
Also See: Brothers First Look Poster
Superstar Akshay Kumar’s first look poster which was released on 9 March 2015 and the first look poster have received a grate repossess and became viral in social networking sites. Brothers first look poster featuring Akshay Kumar and Sidharth Malhotra on opposite sides of the metal mesh with Jackie Shroff. Brothers movie story revolves around the complex relationship between the father and his two sons (played by Sidharth Malhotra and Akshay). The movie is an emotional journey of David (Akshay) and Monty (Sidharth) as they come face to face in their fight for love, hatred and family. The film is an official remake of the 2011 Hollywood film Warrior.
Brothers movie Starring Akshay Kumar, Sidharth Malhotra and Jackie Shroff has given a big no for steroids to his muscles. The film Actors will be seen as martial arts fighter in the film hence needs to don a flexible and athletic chassis. Having already put on 8 kgs of weight, Sidharth is extensively polishing on his weight lifting and martial art skills to get his role right for the film.
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