Salman Khan’s film Bajrangi Bhaijaan has been collecting loads of money for the film producers. This was the first film produced under Salman Khan Films along with Rock line Venkatesh. Salman Khan has been very much confident on the film and he has participated in promoting the film. The action of Salman and the little girl Harshali (Munni) was outstanding.
Case filed against the makers Of Bajrangi Bhaijaan:
Here comes the twist. As the film is collecting money, there are few persons who take this as an advantage and does such things.The Mumbai base Businessman has filed a case on the Co-Producer of the film Rock line Venkatesh. The Businessman claims that he has been cheated by Rock line Venkatesh. Thus, the film has been involved in a controversy.
Let us watch how Salman, Venkatesh and Kabhir will reply on this regard. The Businessman has put the case due to some financial issues. Thus he has been filed a case on Venkatesh.