Much awaited movie of the Tollywood film industry, Rudhramadevi. This is the first Indian 3D historic film, based on the life of Rudrama Devi as a queen, who ruled the Kakatiya dynasty in the 13th century. The film featuring Anushka Shetty in the title role with Rana Daggubati will be playing the male lead role as Chalukya Veerabhadrudu. Allu Arjun as Gona Ganna Reddy in this movie while Prakash Raj, Krishnam Raju, Nithya Menen, Baba Sehgal, Vikramjeet Virk and Catherine are in other supporting roles in the movie. The film is directed by popular telugu film director Gunasekhar has been released today as on 9th October 2015. Rudhramadev Movie has been up with much expectations and anticipations since it is 3-year hard work of Gunasekhar & his team. Anushka Shetty’s Rudhramadevi movie is gaining positive talk from the audoines, Rudhramadevi story, Anushka Shetts, Allu Arjun and Rana’s performance are winning accolades all over. Here is what few celebs have to twitted about Rudhramadevi Movie.
Celebrities Tweets about Rudramadevi:
Just heard that #Rudhramadevi has been made tax free in Telangana. Fantastic news for Gunasekhar garu who has been swimming against the
— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) October 8, 2015
#Rudhramadevi Released ! After all the hardships the project went through I am personally happy the movie is Out !
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) October 9, 2015
And off course wishing our darling stylish star @alluarjun gaaru also for a splendid success .Good luck to gunashekar gaaru #Rudhramadevi ☺
— THAMAN SHIVAKUMAR (@MusicThaman) October 8, 2015
#RudhramaDevi is a result of mad passion..Of one man’s blind love for cinema and his film. Let’s all go watch it in theatres & give it a…
— Rahul Ravindran (@23_rahulr) October 8, 2015
Indian Cinema Magazine UAE Review #Rudhramadevi.A Well Made Film all the Way. #AnushkaShetty @RanaDaggubati @alluarjun Steals the Show. ☆☆☆☆
— Umair Sandhu (@sandhumerry) October 8, 2015
My best wishes to #Rudramadevi.Wish to see this as a blockbuster.All the hardwork&pain shld bring joy to all those involved in this film!!
— Kalyana Ramana (@KKalyanaRamana) October 8, 2015
Wishing GUNASHEKAR garu and the entire team of RUDRAMADEVI all the veryy bestt!! Hope its a HUUGE HITT..
— nithiin (@actor_nithiin) October 8, 2015
All the best to the entire team of #rudramdevi
Lot of hardwork has been put into its making..
Hope it brings the entire team great success.— Varun Tej (@IAmVarunTej) October 8, 2015
Wishing all the very best to entire team of #Rudramadevi ..I am sure hardwork n passion will pay off !!??
— Gopichand Malineni (@megopichand) October 8, 2015
Gunasekhar’s #Rudhramadevi releases tomorrow. Best wishes to the entire team!!!
— Baahubali (@BaahubaliMovie) October 8, 2015
#Prabhas Wishes to @Rudhramadevi Team !!!@Anushka_ASF @alluarjun @RanaDaggubati
— P R A B H A S (@prasad_darling) October 8, 2015
Here we have provided some Twitter Comments made by celebrities on Rudrama Devi Movie:
KK Senthil Kumar – Witness @Gunasekhar1 s #Rudhramadevi in theatres tomorrow. Wishing All the Best to the entire team of @Rudhramadevi
Vennala Kishore – #Rudhramadevi releasing tomorrow in 3d ??..wishing the movie a super duper success..cant wait to watch it
Baahubali Team – Gunasekhar’s #Rudhramadevi releases tomorrow. Best wishes to the entire team!!!
Allu Arjun – Rudramadevi movie Releasing Tomorrow ! The First Real 3D movie. Hope you all like the Movie and my New attempt !
Kalyan Koduri – My best wishes to #Rudramadevi.Wish to see this as a blockbuster.All the hardwork&pain shld bring joy to all those involved in this film!!
Gopi Mohan – Congratulations to Rudramadevi Team for getting TaxFree in Telangana.I Wish @Gunasekhar1 garu &Team a big success ??
Thaman S – My best wishes to whole team of #Rudhramadevi can’t wait to hear raja sir’s bgm score ❤ my #respect to the whole team for their hard work ☺ And off course wishing our darling stylish star @alluarjun gaaru also for a splendid success .Good luck to gunashekar gaaru #Rudhramadevi ☺
Nithiin – Wishing GUNASHEKAR garu and the entire team of RUDRAMADEVI all the veryy bestt!! Hope its a HUUGE HITT..
Gopichand Malineni – Wishing all the very best to entire team of #Rudramadevi ..I am sure hardwork n passion will pay off !!??
Sai Dharam Tej – Wishing the team of #rudramadevi all the very best?
Fans of Anushka Shetts and Allu Arjun are with high expectations that Rudrama Devi Telugu film will break the previous set records . Let us hope the movie gets a good feedback and has a huge success ahead. While here are the mixed reactions and twitter tweets of Tollywood celebrities who wished and greeted the Rudrama Devi movie.