‘Chandrika’ is a Telugu Horror movie, featured with Kamna Jethmalani, Sree Mukhi and Arjun in the lead roles and the movie is ready for the release on September 25th, 2015. Asha is the producer of the film and film was done under the banner of Flying Wheels Productions. Kamna Jethmalani was so different in the character and never seen before in her film career.
She also worked in different languages like Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada and now coming with ‘Chandrika’ in a lead role. Check out ‘Chandrika’ Movie’s complete Review, Rating, Storyline, etc below.
All India Roundup Rating: 1/5
‘Chandrika’ Movie Cast and Crew:
Director: Yogesh Munisidappa
Producer: Asha
Starring: Kamna Jethmalani, Sree Mukhi, Arjun
Cast: Girish Karnad, L.B. Sri Ram, Thagubothu Ramesh, Satyam Rajesh
Music: Gunwanth
Production Banner: Flying Wheels Productions
Editing: Suresh Kumar
Genre: Horror Drama
Running time: 2hours 34mins.
Release Date: Sept 24, 2015
Language: Telugu
‘Chandrika’ Movie Story:
The story revolves about a newly married couple and how their life will change facing the horrible situations in their house. The film is Horror Drama and the performance by the actors is outstanding. Kamna Jethmalani was never seen like this before. The shooting of this movie is done in Hyderabad and Bangalore locations.
Chandrika Movie Review:
‘Chandrika’ comes under Horror Drama genre. Actor Arjun is introducing with this movie as a hero and this is the debut movie for Director Yogesh Munisiddhappa, Producer V. Asha who is working with the Flying Wheels Production banner. Gunwanth is the music director for this movie. The story and screenplay gave by Sajid Qureshi, Artists Performances and Graphics are the primary attractions of the film.
Talking about the film, Lady Producer V.Asha said that “Chandrika” Will captivate the gathering of people like “Chandramukhi”.