Directed by Prem Sai, who had earlier assisted Prabhu Deva Courier Boy Kalyan Movie released worldwide on 17th December on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. This film is produced by Tamil director Gautham Menon. It stars Nitin and Yami Gautam in the lead roles. The film, featuring film score and soundtrack composed by Karthik. The film is carrying positive report in the industry and it is a cute love entertaining movie. Check out Courier Boy Kalyan Movie complete Review, Rating, Story line, Plus points & Minus points from below.
All India Roundup Rating: 2/5
Courier Boy Kalyan Movie Cast & Crew:
Director: Prem Sai
Producer: Gautham Menon
Cast: Nithin Kumar Reddy, Yami Gautam, Nassar, Ashutosh Rana
Music: Karthik, Anoop Rubens
Screenplay: Reshma Ghatala
Cinematography: Satya Ponmar
Language: Telugu
Genre: Action, Romance
Duration: 1 hr 46 mins
Release Date: Sep 17, 2015
Story Line:
The film is a story of a courier boy who finds himself in the middle of big trouble due to a parcel.
Courier Boy Kalyan Movie Complete Review:
Staying faithful to his favourite star Pawan Kalyan, Nithiin plays a courier boy named Kalyan, and the irony is that he finds himself in the middle of big trouble due to a parcel. Watch the movie to uncover the mystery. Ashutosh Rana is playing the villain in this movie and Yami gautam is love interest of Nitin.
“Courier Boy Kalyan” is a freemake of Hollywood movie “Premium Rush”. It is simultaneously shot in Tamil as “Tamilselvanum Thaniyar Anjalum” with hero Jai in the lead role.
The movie story is about a courier boy, who is chased by a cop throughout the city for an envelope. The mystery surrounding the envelope forms the crux of the movie.
The audience, who have watched “Courier Boy Kalyan” movie, are impressed. Nithin’s performance, Premsai’s engaging script, and Yami Gautam’s glamour are the main attractions of the film.
Plus Points:
Nithin’s performance and Yami Gautam’s glamour are the main attractions of the film.
Interval Bang is good
Brilliant production values and brilliant music, amazing picturisation and superb choreography of stunts are the major highlights in the technical front.
Minus Points:
The songs are a big obstacle
No Suspense in the movie
All India Roundup Rating: 2/5
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