Hyderabad cops arrested three persons including a two engineering students for allegedly circulating and sharing the pirated copies of Rudramadevi, Baahubali, and Bale bale Magadivoi movies through online medium and on web portals by getting ads. Hyderabad city cops said that these three persons downloaded the latest pirated versions of the latest Tollywood films such as Rudramadevi, Baahubali and Bale bale Magadivoi movie from various portals.
2 Engineering Students Accompany Another in Piracy of Rudramadevi, Bahubali Movies
Later these three people uploaded the latest Tollywood films Rudramadevi, Baahubali and Balebale Magadivoi movies on their private websites such as www.movierulz, www.onlinemoviesnmusic4u.com, onlinefullmoviez.com, online24movies.com, fullmoviezz.net, www.moviesnhackss.com and www.mnhmovies.com for public access displaying ads on the respective web pages to earn money through online fraud.
Renowned movie maker and Tollywood movie director of Rudramadevi movie lodged a complaint with cyber crime police on October 10, 2015 alleging that a few sources are exercising illegitimate methods in circulating the latest released movie such as Rudramadevi, Baahubali and Bale bale Magadivoi. Hyderabad cyber crime police following the complaint of Tollywood filmmaker Gunasekhar explored the possible ways to bring down the denting of revenue of these film projects.
Rudramadevi Movie Director Gunashekar Reports Denting of Revenue
Bestowed director Gunasekhar’s recently released movie Rudramadevi was released globally on October 9 in multiple languages and is the first-ever historical stereoscopic 3D feature film of India. Piracy of the Gunashekar Rudramadevi movie was acknowledged on the same evening of the day the film was released globally in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil languages.
As per the reports of the cops it is being reported that ‘Movierulz.to’ was the first website to upload the Rudramadevi movie in the online web portal which later has conceived of being viral on internet. List of websites hosting and publishing the latest Telugu movie without any prior intimation of the movie makers have been collected by the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce (TFCC) anti-video piracy cell. The anti-video piracy cell of TFCC has claimed that they have collected the list of notorious websites for piracy and a few notorious camcording online piracy syndicates.
Complaint Registered by Cops Against Alleged Websites
Following the complaint of the movie maker Gunashekar and the TFCC anti-video piracy cell, Hyderabad cyber crime police registered a case and took up an investigation against the alleged web sources. During the preliminary investigation of cops arrested RC Puram, Srinivas Nagar Colony resident B.Tech students Prashanth Chaitankar (20), Pavan Kamble (20) of Bombay Colony and businessman Tanveer Ahmed (30) of BHEL for their direct involvement in the piracy and illegitimate circulation of the movies.
Additional commissioner of police (crimes), Swati Lakra said, “Prashanth Chaitankar is studying B.Tech final year at the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal. To earn easy money, he, along with his friend Pavan Kamble, decided to operate movie sites on the advice of his classmate Soma Shekar. As per the advice, they would copy pirated movies’ links from a website, www.movierulz.to, and post it on their websites, and earn easy money through the POP-UP ads on their websites.”
Earned About Rs 10 lakh Uploading Movies
The accused students purchased dozens of online web domain addresses such as www.onlinemoviesnmusic4u.com, streamnada.com, moviezwatch.com, fullmoviezz.net, moviezwatch.net, streamtout.net, entertainment24x7.net, techotricks.com, techomedia.com, friendshipdaycelebration.org, fathersday2k15.com, from www.bigrock.in, www.bigrock.in and www.1and1.com, godaddy.com web services September last year and so far they generated revenue of about Rs 10 lakh so far by uploading about 1,200 films in their websites.
Tech experts of the Hyderabad cyber crime have reported that these accused students and the businessmen used to gather all latest and highly anticipated movies from www.movierulz.to. Later they used to collect the page source information to copy the Iframe link and paste the same in their website post. Executing the above method they have so far published and circulated about 1,200 movies and Rudramaevi movie was one of such kind which was obtained from www.movierulz.com which removed from the web source after being ascertained by the film chambers.
Cops said “the detained Tanveer Ahmed was an MBA graduate from St. Xavier PG college, Gopanpally, near Gandipet who initially started out his exports venture, Tasmaaz Exports while due to his inefficiency he went into debts. Later he thought of making easy money and that is how he started posting advertisements in the form of POP-Ups on the net. To execute this, he purchased two web address domains www.moviesnhackss.com and www.mnhmovies.com from godaddy.com and started sharing the links of www.moviesnhackss.com and www.mnhmovies.com _ from godaddy.com details from websites www.amaderforum.com and www.torrentz.in.
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