Bollywood lovable couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone had experienced one of the most embarrassing moments ever. The duo is busy in promoting their latest film ‘Bajirao Mastani’ which is going to release soon. In the part of promoting the film, the actors launched the first song ‘Gajanana’ in Pune yesterday. As we all know that the duo had huge craze outside and they couldn’t make easy to launch the song.
Ranveer Singh Held Deepika Padukone Tight:
Both the amazing actors made the crowd go crazy by their unique appearance at the launch. After the song was launched, the actors were leaving the premises and were trapped surrounded by the audience and fans. Even the security couldn’t manage the people around the couple. But Ranveer Singh himself became the security for Deepika and rescued her from the crowd.
Ranveer held Deepika tight like a true lover and protected her from the hard situation. The team of ‘Bajirao Mastani’ had visited to release the festive song of the year ‘Gajanana’ held at Shree Chhatrapati Shivaji Sports Complex, Balewadi Stadium, Pune. As the audience is having a lot of expectations on the film, they are in a hurry to watch the film and had attended in a huge number to the song launch function.
Ranveer and Deepika who left in a chopper to Pune for the song launch got delayed to reach the venue. The actor apologized in a cheerful mood and said; “I was told that people have been waiting since 9 am for us. But Deepika is so beautiful I would wait a lifetime for her.” In the same way, Ranveer had got a chance to prove his heroism in public by protecting Deepika from the crowd.