Here’s A Challenge For You – 95% Of The Internet Users Fail To Find The Difference In These 4 Images

Optical illusions come by the dozen nowadays. It’s so much fun to participate in solving the one puzzle that mind flicks. Here are 4 such puzzles. All you need to do is to find the differences in the two images that are placed side by side.

Both the images almost look alike. Give yourself 60seconds for each image before scrolling the answer. Here you go:

#. Puzzle 1

#. Puzzle 2

#. Puzzle 3

#. Puzzle 4

Were you able to spot the differences? If not, scroll down for the answers.

Must read: Find the hidden tiger in the image below. If you are unable to find it. Click on the image for the answer.

Here are the Answers:

Answer 1: You can find the difference in the zig-zag path of the road.

Answer 2: You can find the difference at the coins placed near to the currency notes.

Answer 3: You can find the difference in the finger with a ring.

Answer 4: You can find the difference in the hole on the wall at the right bottom.

Aren’t these images challenging? Then challenging your friends by sharing this. Comment your answers below.

Also read: Find a cat in this picture. Click on the image for the answer if you are unable to find the hidden cat.