Firangi the much-awaited movie of Kapil Sharma has finally hit the theaters on December 1st 2017. Kapil debuted in Bollywood industry in 2015 with Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon. The film was 1st planned to release on November 27th and later postponed to 1st Dec. Check out Kapil Sharma Firangi Movie collections here.
Kapil Sharma said, “Technically if you spend Rs 120 crores on a film but it earns Rs 100 crore then would you consider it a hit? My film Kis Kis Ko Pyaar Karoon opened at Rs 10.50 crore and was made at the cost of Rs 7 crore. So, which film is hit? So, a film is never a hit or flop, the budget is. The number game is to make people fools, sorry to say. No one reveals how much one has spent and how much has been recovered. If a film is made with Rs 100 crores then you have to add the tax, producers’ share and what not. So, if it (the film cost) stands at Rs 150 crores, it breaks even and the profit counts post that.”
“I want people to judge me on acting. The first day, people will come only because they love you. On the second day, people will ask others and then go. I have earned money with a lot of hard work. I have put all the money in this. I don’t want people to curse me after watching the film,” added Kapil Sharma.
The film is starred with Kapil Sharma, Ishita Dutta, Monica Gill, Inaamulhaq and other in the lead roles. Music for this movie is composed by Jatinder Shah, Directed by Rajeev Dhingra, Produced by Kapil Sharma.
Firangi Movie 5 Days Collections:
The box office collections for Firangi Movie were estimated at 3 to 4 crores. The more updates for this movie are yet to release. “The film would earn anywhere between Rs 2 to Rs 3 crore on the first day while we can expect the opening weekend collection to be around Rs 10 crore,” said the trade analyst Girish Johar.
It has collected a total of Rs 85 lac on Tuesday taking its total to Rs 8.15 crore.
According to a report on, the film raked in Rs 9.75 crore in its first week.
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