Do you aware of MaximBady, the hilarious YouTube video guy, who posts video reviews about random stuff. MaximBady recently posted a video review on Singam 123. True, Sampoornesh Babu is now an international sensation with his movie, Singam 123.
MaximBady considers the climax of Singam123 as the greatest movie scene of all time. His hilarious commentary on Sampoo’s 6 pack (well, there is a family pack :P) and his moustache is a must watch.
Watch The Greatest Movie Scene of All Time:
Moustachio, the greatest moustache man of all time!!Moustachio, the greatest moustache man of all time!!Sampoornesh Babu..from movie called “Singam 123” :p
Posted by DJ AVI on Thursday, 9 July 2015
This has to be the best movies scene of all time you have seen. This made me laugh like crazy Lol. Only Sampoo can do this fighting scene & this foreign guy expression are hilarious.