Aditya Roy Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor musical blockbuster “Aashiqui 2” made the pair overnight sensation with that film. The third sequel of the movie has been the talk of the town since quite a long time. According to the buzz, the filmmakers are in talks with Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone for the Aashiqui 3. These did not sign for the film but are looking forward to working each other.
Recently, at an event in Mumbai Hrithik was asked about the third sequel. The actor had then said, “What Aashiqui 3? You want me to do it. I will think about it.” When producer Bhushan Kumar was asked if Aashiqui 3 has been finalised, Hrithik interrupted saying, “I loved him as a producer. I myself have gone to him and said you have to produce a film for me. So, let him think. Give him some time.”
Moreover, there is also a rumor that Hrithik would be paired opposite Deepika Padukone in Yash Raj Films’ next, which will be directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, of ‘Dhoom 3’ fame. However, the news soon sniffed out.
Hrithik is currently shooting for Ashutosh Gowariker’s ‘Mohenjo Daro’ with Pooja Hegde, Deepika is looking for the release of ‘Bajirao Mastani’ with Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra.
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