Finally, the top 4 final contestants of ‘Indian Idol Junior’ season 2 grand finale. This show was hosted by Hussain and Asha Negi and took over by Sonakshi Sinha, Vishal Dadlani and Salim Merchant are in judging panel this year. The top 4 contestants will be battling to win the title during the grand finale of ‘Indain Idol Junior Seson 2’. After weeks of eliminations, the show has now the best of all.
The little talents have given their best week after week making the whole nation proud of them. The four contestants are Ananya Sritam, Nahid Afrin, Vaishnav Girish, Nithyashree Venkataramanan.
Here we bring you the top 4 finalists of Indian Idol Junior Season:
1. Ananya Sritam:
Ananya is a talented contestant from Bhubaneshwar, Odissa. Her singing excellence will make you wonder if she is a professionally trained singer or not.
2.Nahid Afrin:
This girl from Tezpur, Assam has immense potential in singing. Nahid excellently performs on every form of music very much like a proffesional singer. she is 13 year old talent bundle has got her first break already.
3. Vaishnav Girish:
Vaishnav Girish is the most loved contestant of Indian Idol Junior season 2. His distinctive voice and competitive singing skills have got him recognition on the show.
4. Nithyashree Venkataramanan:
Based in Chennai,Tamil Nadu, Nithyashree is one of the strongest contenders on the show. She excellently performs on high octane music tracks.