Earlier there was a rumour that Young Tiger Jr. NTR has given Rs 6 crores to Kalyan Ram for the movie Kick 2 starring Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Rakul Preet Singh during the release time of the movie. During the audio launch of forthcoming movie “Sher”, which stars Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Sonal Chauhan in the lead roles, Jr. NTR has denied the rumour and speaks out on this controversy.
NTR Clarifies About 6 Cr Kick 2 Loan
“I’m neither blaming those who wrote, nor who felt that write-up is a truth”, says Jr NTR, before he attacks indirectly about the story that was cooked about his sudden visit to India during the 80 days long schedule of “Nannaku Prematho” in London.
“I’ve come to India only to spend time with my family, especially my son Abhay Ram. But I’ve not signed any checks or deals to get the loan for Kick 2 release and bring it out of shackles”, NTR said. He added that Kalyan Ram is not in a position to borrow money from someone.
“Even hours before death, Kalyan Ram will give alms but not take one”, NTR concluded, thereby disconnecting his name from the Kick 2 episode.