Starring Kangana Ranaut and Imran Khan in lead roles, ‘Katti Batti’ directed by Nikhil Advani, released worldwide on September 18. The movie is produced by Siddharth roy Kapur under the banner of UTV Motion Pictures. The soundtrack of Katti Batti is composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy & lyrics are penned by Kumaar. Katti Batti movie is a unique love story about new age relationships, breaking up and making up in the world of today. Check out Katti Batti Movie complete Review, Rating, Storyline, Plus points and Minus points fro below.
All India Roundup Rating: 1.5/5
Katti Batti Movie Cast & Crew:
Director: Nikhil Advani
Producer: Siddharth Roy Kapur
Starring: Kangana Ranaut, Imran Khan
Music: Shankar Ehsaan Loy
Lyricist: Kumaar
Cinematography: Tushar Kapoor
Production company: UTV Motion Pictures
Language: Hindi
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Release Date: Sep 18, 2015
Duration: 2 hrs 20 mins
Story Line:
It is an anti-love story. Maddy (Imran Khan) is an architect who is in love with Payal (Kangana Ranaut) because of her attitude towards life. The story revolves around Maddy & Payal’s live-in relationship for 5 years and until a sudden turn of events when Payal leaves Maddy mid-way.
Katti Batti Movie Complete Review:
Katti Batti movie is a unique love story about new age relationships and breaking up and making up in the world of today, the sort of contemporary romantic relationship never before seen on Indian celluloid.
Kangana, who is known for playing variety of characters, and getting into the skin of all of them, and for Katti Batti too the the actress left no stone unturned in delivering her best.
Plus Points: Coming Soon….
Minus Points: Coming Soon….