Malayalam cinema industry Mollywood superstar Mohanlal is said to make is re-entry into the leading Telugu film industry Tollywood with is upcoming movie ‘Nuvve Na Pranamani’. Tollywood and Mollywood film industries sources affirm the news that legendary Malayalam film industry actor Mohanlal would be making his long awaited comeback in Telugu films with his latest upcoming movie ‘Nuvve Na Pranamani’ after two decades.
Mollywood Superstar Mohanlal Re-Enters Tollywood with ‘Nuvve Na Pranamani’
Malayalam films superstar Mohanlal is speculated to be playing a role of powerful policemen in the upcoming rural romantic-drama movie ‘Nuvve Na Pranamani’ making is re-entry into the Telugu films after two decades. ‘Nuvve Na Pranamani’ movie is would be featuring debutant Suraj and Kavita Radheshyam in the lead roles. Actress Kavita said “It’s a rural love story laced with action and drama. Mohanlal sir is playing a very strong role of a policeman. It will be an honor for me to share screen space with him.”
Mohanlal’s upcoming movie ‘Nuvve Na Pranamani’ would be directed by the directed by debutant Suresh Vamshi. Tollywood Telugu film industry Film Nagar sources and Mollywood Malayalam film sources claim that ‘Nuvve Na Pranamani’ movie would also feature Ali, Jayaprakash Reddy and a host of other supporting actors.
Malayalam film’s legendary actor Mohanlal, who is popular among the Telugu film lovers for his memorable roles in the films like Gandeevam, Iddaru, Company and the recent hit Jilla, will be playing a crucial role in a film titled Nuvve Na Pranamani. Tollywood sources add that Mohanlal would be playing a tough cop role in the movie Nuvve Na Pranamani.
He made his last appearance in Telugu films in the year 1994 in ‘Gandeevam’ film. Mohanlal did a cameo song in the film which was directed by his Malayalam counterpart Priyadarshan. Upcoming movie Nuvve Na Pranamani is being produced by the ES Vishwanath and the shooting will commence from this month end.
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