Tollywood film’s Megastar Chiranjeevi 150th movie shooting has been started out as per the some of his close aids. The actor turned politician had been in his policy-making career was lastly seen on silver screen in the year 2007. Megastar though made a guest appearance in his son’s movie Magadheera while his last direct lead role movie was Shankar Dada Zindabad as Shankar Prasad in the year 2007.
Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi 150th Movie Shoot First Look Unseen Pics
The legendary actor who had starred in 149 Telugu films as lead roles is dreaming of making a heroic feat ends his acting career with 150th movie. Carrying a political conscience to help uplift the deprived and needy sections on of the society he took up the political career with many twists forbearing from acting in films, which has a flop show so far.
Though his political career wasn’t too successful at the earliest while he later merged his party with Indian National Congress (INC) with the large interest of his followers and party men. Megastar Chiranjeevi who now seems to be relaxed with the sluggish political career has nodded for the making of his 150th movie. Since the past couple of months, there have been varied speculations about the making Megastar Chiranjeevi 150th making.
There were initial guesses some of the leading directors of Tollywood like Puri Jagannath and V.V. Vinayak would be directing Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 150th movie while later Ram Charan Tej, son of the star has claimed that he would be producing the and director Puri Jagannath would be directing it.
Political activities of Chiranjeevi have been grim after his party defeat in general elections which has made him look over his fresh second innings on silver screen after eight years. Earlier it was claimed by the close aids of the man of masses megastar Chiranjeevi that news and details about his 150th movie would be disclosed in public for all his fans on his birthday on 22 August while we have something great for his fans before that.
Watch out exclusive shooting and making pics and images of megastar Chiranjeevi 150th movie which has been illustrated above. The 59 years old actor Megastar Chiranjeevi appears young and charming in the latest pics of his 150th movie shoot making
Actor Chiranjeevi is getting groomed for his 150th movie losing unwanted weight and being engaged in some glamorous activities. Usually, actors and actresses get a prior photo shoot for their upcoming movie, hence the above stills are also considered to a similar one of Chiranjeevi before his 150th movie.
Important Speculated Facts of Megastar Chiranjeevi 150th Movie
- Ram Charan Tej (Son of Megastar) would be the producer.
- 1 Crore remuneration for the director.
- Puri Jagannath is officially confirmed as the director of the epic movie although there are still chances of roping a new director.
Title of megastar Chiranjeevi’s 150th movie hasn’t been confirmed and finalized yet by the crew of the film. Being a movie of Chiranjeevi, it is expected to be an eye feats and visual delight for his fans and Tollywood Telugu cinema audiences with fully packed entertainment, dance, romance, drama, action and comedy.
We would be bringing in and sharing some more beguiled stuff and some interesting facts of Megastar Chiranjeevi 150th movie and Tollywood. Stay tuned with us for more fun and updated news of Indian cinema.