Nithya Menon, one of the South Indian film leading actresses is all set to cast in Mani Ratnam’s next film. She recently signed the film and this is the second time in a row Nithya Menon playing in Mani Ratnam film. The duo earlier had entertained us with a superb romantic film O Kadhal Kanmani (OK Bangaram-Telugu).
Nithya Menon Collaborates In Mani Ratnam’s Next:
The film is yet untitled and it is said to be revenge drama. And the film is expected to start the shooting in December. As Nithya Menon has agreed the film, the makers of the film would announce the entire cast within few days. The film already features an ensemble cast of Karthi, Dulquer Salmaan and Keerthy Suresh.
It is also said that in the film, Karthi and Dulquer will be pitted against each other as it is a story of revenge drama. As the film is starred with such amazing actors, the film could acquire a lot of expectations after OK Kanmani Super Hit. The Legendary Oscar winner AR Rahman is going to compose the music for the film and Ravi Varman is the Cameraman.
She will soon be seen opposite actor Suriya for the first time in Tamil thriller 24 and in Rudhramadevi.