Director Kabir Khan’s latest movie Phantom has seen a growth of more than 50 percent on the second day of its release. Starring Saif Ali Khan and Katrina Kaif, movie has minted Rs 21.24 crore within two days of release. The film had done average business on its opening day, earning only Rs. 8.46 crore on Friday and saw a HUGE growth on day 2, saturday as it racked in Rs 12.78 crore.
The basic story of Phantom is about the after effects of 26/11 attack on India. It shows how India should have reacted, how can India get justice for what happened. Saif plays the role of an ex Army officer who is assigned on the mission of Justice. Katrina helps him.
Phantom 1st Weekend Box Office Collections:
Phantom movie is released in more than 44 countries with over 625 screens just outside from the India and total screens including India is more than 2600. But “Phantom” has failed to become the biggest opener for Saif Ali Khan as it has failed to beat the opening day collections of his previous blockbusters. It has become the 5th biggest opener for the actor.
Phantom showed strong growth on Saturday with collections around 50% better than the previous day. It was a holiday for Raksha Bandhan which helped collections in some parts of the country. The film got more than 30 crores net for the 1st weekend.
Phantom Total 3 Days Box Office Collections Report:
Phantom 1st Day Box Office Collections: 8.46 Crore
Phantom 2nd Day Box Office Collections: 12.78 Crore
Phantom 3rd Day Box Office Collections: 13.50 Crore
Phantom Total Box Office Collections: 34.75 Crore