Most awaited superstar Vijay’s action-adventure fantasy film “Puli” Trailer was launched through official partner of Puli movie, Sony Music’s youtube channel. From the few hours the trailer reached nearly Six lakh plus hit on the youtube. After delivering a blockbuster hit Kaththi last year, superstar Vijay is all set to enthrall the audience with yet another highly anticipated film this year. Illayathalapathy Vijay is seen in a warrior avatar in Chimbu Devan’s fantasy drama Puli. The film also stars Sridevi, Kiccha Sudeep, Shruti Haasan and Hansika Motwani.
Chimbu Devan’s Venture Set to Be a Show of Vijay’s Heroism
Puli is going to hit the theaters in September. The movie will also be released in Telugu with the same name. Written and directed by Chimbu Deven, “Puli” Packed with some amazing visuals, well choreographed stunts and oodles of Vijay’s charisma, the trailer gives more excitement to watch the movie. But Trailer it would have been even better had other actors also left some impact on the viewers.
The movie also has Natarajan Subramaniam as cinematographer and has T.Muthuraj as Production Designer. First of all Queen Sridevi is back literally as she is playing the role of a queen in the movie. She is so elegant and graceful that you will feel like this role was written for her. Both Vijay and Sridevi are using their eyes to great effect in this short trailer. Shruti Hassan too appears for a couple of seconds. Cinematography and background music is impressive.
Puli Movie Official Trailer Review:
The cinematography and VFX work looks brilliant. The ariel shots of the palace at the start of the trailer looks stunning. It is a pleasure to see Sridevi back in Tamil cinema, making her presence felt even without any dialogues. Vijay is in his element, pulling of stunts in style. His one liner at the end of the trailer is sure to enjoyed by his die hard fans. His new look revealed at the end of the trailer comes off as a pleasant surprise, leaving you wondering if Vijay plays a double role.
Devi Sri Prasad’s background score fits perfectly with the trailer like a jigsaw puzzle. Combination of some amazing visuals, well choreographed stunts and oodles of Vijay’s charisma, the impressive part is something new tried by the director on this film. And the music of the movie is composed by Devi Sri Prasad as we all knows how music track of DSP will be its incredible, Vijay and Sruthi Haasan sang a song for the movie which got high appreciation.