Ram Gopal Varma himself is a sensation whatever he does. Now RGV is back with another project which is a biopic on the legendary actor and a former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao. For this Biopic, he named it as “Lakshmi`s NTR”.
Ram Gopal Varma wrote on his Facebook page, “One single step that created love in the heart of one man but also hatred in hundreds. But that single step also re-motivated him to once again make millions of people love him. This is the story of Lakshmi’s NTR. It’s a love story full of hatred, jealousy, power mongering, backstabbing and above all unbelievable inter-relationship conflicts.”
He also posted on his page regarding the poster design like, “With regard to the highly complex emotions which needed to be conveyed through the poster of Lakshmi’s NTR, I took the help of the awesomely talented photographer B Naveen Kalyan Photography and the greatest ever publicity designer duo Anil & Bhanu (AB Core Design) ..I just loved the dark shades used by #NaveenKalyan on a dejected and lost looking NTR’s face juxtaposed with the high brightness on Lakshmi’s feet entering into his life and I salute the way how Anil Bhanu composed and toned it to convey the magnitude of the poster’s underlying truth ..Though the thought is mine it’s their individual extraordinary vision which made that image in the poster come magnanimously alive ..I from the bottom of my heart them”.
RGV is planning to release the biopic by the end of 2018. Another detail regarding the cast and crew is yet to announce. One hint about the cast is that JD Chakravarthy would take part in the key role.
It is also heard that Nandamuri Balakrishna is putting pressure on Ram Gopal Varma to drop with this idea but RGV did not bow down to it. Balakrishna was not thrilled to know this idea of biopic which is announced by RGV.