Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s latest film “Loham” has been released on Thursday, 20 August. The movie is written and directed by Ranjith and produced by Antony Perumbavoor under the banner Aashirvad Cinemas. Sreevalsan J. Menon composed the music while C. Rajamani created the background score. Andrea Jeremiah, the popular actress-singer plays the female lead in the movie. The film is expected to perform well at the box office during the first week, as there are no major releases until next Thursday. The Mohanlal starrer may find itself in a tight spot when Mammootty’s “Utopiayile Rajavu” will be released on 27 August.
Here are the 5 Reasons To Watch Loham Movie:
1. Mohanlal and Ranjith team
Mohanlal and Ranjith teams up after three years. Spirit, Rock & Roll, Chandrolsavam and Ravanaprabhu were other films of the duos. Story, sreenwriting and direction is by Rajith for Loham.The film is produced by Antony Perumbavoor under the banner Aashirvad Cinemas.
2. Mohanlal Back In Action Avathar
Mohanlal is back in his action avathar after a very long break. The fans and media are eagerly waiting to watch the actor in the movie. Mohanlal will be sporting two different looks in the movie.
3. Srinda in glamour role
Srinda will appear in a glamourous role, unlike in her earlier films, said the actress. Srinda will be doing a dance in wedding song sequence with Manikuttan. Actress Mythili, who is a close friend of Srinda, approached her for doing the role. Srinda is very excited with the role as it different from her usual non-glamourous roles.
4. Action of Gauri Nanda
Gauri Nanda is extremely happy to be part of the movie ‘Loham’. She underwent training in boxing for the character. Though she found it difficult in the beginning, in a few days the moves became easy for her.
5. Andrea Jeremiah
As The Female Lead Andrea Jeremiah, the singer-actress plays the female lead in the movie. Andrea is sharing the screen with Mohanlal for the first time in her career. Fans eagerly waiting watch their Anna back on screen.