Manchu Manoj and Surabhi starring Attack movie latest trailer has deen released. The film features Manchu Manoj and Surabhi are playing the important lead roles while Jagapati Babu, Prakash Raj, Vadde Naveenare playing interesting characters in this movie. The movie is directed by Ram Gopal Varma and it is produced by Manchu Vishnu under the production company of 24 Frames Factory. The movie music is composed by Ravi Shankar. The first Motion poster of Attack was released on 30 May 2015. Watch Manchu Manoj’s latest upcoming Telugu film “Attack” Official Theatrical Trailer now from here.
Attack Cast and Crew:
Director : Ram Gopal Varma
Producer : Manchu Vishnu
Starring :
- Manchu Manoj
- Surabhi
- Jagapati Babu
- Prakash Raj
- Vadde Naveen
Production company : 24 Frames Factory
Country : India
Language : Telugu
Watch Attack Movie Trailer Here :
Manchu Manoj’s “Attack” movie is set to hit the theatres screens worldwide soon.This is the second time starring Jagapati Babu with Ram Gopal Varma after his blockbuster film Gaayam in 1993. Satrring Vadde Naveen making his comeback in this film with a crucial role.