Rudramadevi is the India’s first historical stereoscopic 3D film made with a total budget of 80 Crores. “Rudramadevi” movie 1st Day or Opening Day collection On Friday is expected to be huge collections on the box office. Rudramadevi movie got an overwhelming response on the 1st / Opening day. Rudramadevi movie has been released in around 2,500 screens across the globe. As per the trade analysts the movie is doing good collections at box office and getting impressive reviews from viewers. As per the report on the First/opening day of the Rudramadevi movie is to have the approximate total occupation of around 80-90% after the end of the opening day show of the movie. Good word-of-mouth is expected to take its collection upwards in upcoming day’s shows.
Rudramadevi Movie First day| Friday Total Box Office Collections:
Rudramadevi Movie First Day Collections or Friday opening Day Collections is said to be huge because of the wide release across the globe. As per the predictions it is being found that on the opening day or 1st day of Rudramadevi is likely to gross Rs 20+ crore at the worldwide box office on the first day. The collections of this movie will be increased if the content of the movie is good.
“Rudhramadevi” may beat the records of “Srimanthudu” which have grossed Rs 19 crore and “Puli” grossed Rs 19.55 crore at the worldwide box office on their opening day. Rudramadevi movie is likely to become the third biggest opener South Indian film of 2015 after “Baahuabali” and Shankar’s “I”.
“Rudhramadevi” Movie 1st Day (Friday) collection is around: Rs 10-15 cores (Expected)
Rudhramadevi has received good reviews & ratings from audience and the movie is expected to take its collection upwards in the afternoon and evening shows
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