Kabir Khan’s directorial ‘Phantom’ is action thriller, movie which was released worldwide on August 28, 2015. Starring Saif Ali Khan and Katrina Kaif, movie has minted collected merely Rs 33.18 crores on its opening weekend. Phantom movie is doing well at the domestic box-office. The film had done average collection on the opening during the morning shows on the first day with just 20 to 25% occupancies in theatres, the film grows up and maked in the evening shows and collected Rs 8.46 crore on Friday but as on the second day the collections has increased as on account of the Raksha Bandhan and collected Rs 12.78 crores on Saturday witnessing a 50% jump and Rs 11.94 crores on Sunday.
Phantom Total Box Office Collections:
Phantom movie is released in more than 44 countries with over 625 screens just outside from the India and total screens including India is more than 2600. The Phantom movie has also performed well at the overseas box office. But “Phantom” movie has failed to become the biggest opener for Saif Ali Khan as it has failed to beat the opening day collections. But the film has performed well on the 2nd and 3rd day. This movie has performed well at the overseas box office with an approximate collection of Rs 6.62 crores in just two days. Now the Satrring Saif Ali Khan, Katrina Kaif’s ‘Phantom’ mints Rs: 37.58 crore in four Days.
The movie based on the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks, Phantom movie deals with Starring Daniyal Khan (Saif Ali Khan) playing a wronged ex-Indian Army officer who is roped in for a mission to kill all four masterminds of the attacks. Phantom movie has earned a decent amount of money at the box office in both India and abroad.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted the box office collection of the film:
#Phantom Fri 8.46 cr, Sat 12.78 cr, Sun 11.94 cr, Mon 4.40 cr. Total: ₹ 37.58 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 1, 2015
Phantom has apparently seen a growth at the overseas box office:
#Phantom continues to grow at Overseas BO. Collects approx $ 1 mn [₹ 6.62 cr] in 2 days. More than 50% biz from UAE-GCC.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 30, 2015
The Phantom movie starring Saif Ali Khan, Katrina Kaif, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub and Sabyasachi Chakraborty in key roles. The movie is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Siddharth Roy Kapur. The screenplay of the film has been written in coordination with author Hussain Zaidi’s book Mumbai Avengers on the aftermath of 26/11 Mumbai attacks.