Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra’s ex-secretary Prakash Jaju has accused Salman Khan with a shocking and controversial statement. Jaju who has claimed saying that Salman Khan’s reality show ‘Bigg Boss 9 has Double Trouble’and it is killing the ratings of the night shows of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s latest movie ‘Jazbaa’ which was released worldwide on 9th October 2015.
Prakash Jaju does not fear about anyone and he simply took to his twitter account where he tweeted saying Salman Khan releases his films on Eid and wont allove to other films to earn even during shad. He claimed saying about because of Bigg Boss 9 “Jazbaa” movie facing a loss.
Watch Online Oops! Salman Khan Being Blamed For Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Jazbaa Loss :
Jaju has also further said that people are getting to watch one star’s show free of cost. He also claimed saying that one jodi has come to Bigg Boss 9 after accepting a bribe of 1 crore and that he will inform about this to CBI. By joining the bandwagon of people, as we mentioned Priyanka Chopra’s ex-secretary Prakash Jaju has made nasty comments on the actress on twitter.
Prakash Jaju has taken the revenge of old past where he has arrested for allegedly sending threatening and obscene messages to the actress and he spends 67 days in the jail. You won’t believe what all Jaju has tweeted against Priyanka Chopra.
Take a look on what Jaju has tweeterd:
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