Bollywood actor Salman Khan has changed the Shooting Location of his upcoming film ‘Sultan’ for Aamir Khan. According to the reports Salman Khan and Aamir Khan are training hard to play the role of wrestlers in their upcoming Hindi movies “Sultan” and “Dangal”.
However, Salman’s “Sultan” movie shooting was been in Punjab and Haryana but Aamir Khan was worried about same locations of both films that both films will see the same location. But Salman Khan has changed the Shooting Location and set the shooting of “Sultan” near to Gujarat.
Talking about his film work Salman has been undergoing some “painful” training. He says “The weight I need to put on is of the muscular kind. It’s got nothing to do with diet. I eat correctly — I have my protein, chicken and fish. I need to train harder and be focussed.”
Salman said that “Rakesh (trainer) helps me out whenever I need him, but right now, Aamir needs him more”. The actor has already put on seven Kg’s and now he is in the process of piling on eight more kg’s by November 22.
“I am learning how to grapple, the floor work (important for fighters), how to kick and how to get kicked! It’s not that we cannot do what they (fighters) do, but they have been doing it for so many years, they do it with ease. I need to get that ease, the flexibility, power and quickness in me. I do about three-four kicks every day, but have to increase it to 150-200 kicks.” said actor Salman Khan.
In Bollywood Industry in which these two Khans are seen with intimate term while for the friendship Salman Khan sacrifices for his friend Aamir Khan.