Must Read: Secrets Behind Those Classical Magic Tricks Are Finally Revealed!

We all were fascinated towards magic shows when we were kids. Even today, most of us still love to watch those wondrous magic shows and curiously want to know all those tricks behind them.

We all know that stage magicians perform illusions and what we’re seeing isn’t real, but sometimes it’s extremely tricky to figure out what’s going on. The magician’s code generally prohibits magicians from sharing the truth behind their illusions with the general public, but some of these highly guarded secrets have come out over the years.

Here we have some secret ways of performing five classic magic tricks. Take a look and learn the truth behind these outstanding illusions!

1. Levitation


In this trick, the lady is held with the help of a metal rod. The magician stands to conceal the rod by standing in front of it, and thus the audience only gets to see the lady flying without any support.

2. Cut body into half

The ‘woman sawed in half’ illusion is an old classic, which you could probably figure out on your own (you didn’t really think they sawed her in half, did you?!). There are, however, two variations on this trick. One using fake legs and the other using two women. The latter has an extra degree of realism, as the women who’s in the second half and being the legs can move them around and so on, whereas the fake legs will have to remain stationary.

Yes, this is how exactly this magic trick is performed as shown in the pic. The assistant tucks his/her feet into the top half of the box, and the one that dangles out from the bottom half are fake feet.

3. Zig Zag Body

The ‘zig-zag woman’ is a variation on the woman sawed in half illusion, but takes it a step further, as blades are used to apparently cut a woman in three parts, and then her severed mid-section is moved off to the side. How this illusion succeeds is by making it appear that there’s less usable space in the box than there is. Then the assistant can contort herself into the space that remains. See the diagram below for a more detailed explanation.

Everything we see in a magic show is just an illusion. This famous zig-zag body magic is also the same. The box used for this trick has three compartments. When the boxes are pushed, it seems like the person’s body inside the box moves along with it, this happens only because of the way the box is designed and the way it’s painted.

4. Into the Air

In this illusion, there is a special catch in the heel of the shoe, which attaches to a lift. This allows the performer to lean over their center of gravity and then effortlessly stand back up straight, rather than face-planting into the floor!

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