Selvandhan is the Tamil version of the Telugu Super Star Prince Mahesh movie “Srimanthudu”. This Tamil and Telugu version of the movie is being released on Friday, August 7th, 2015 in theaters worldwide. The movie is directed by Koratala Siva and produced jointly by Y. Naveen, Y. Ravi Shankar and C. V. Mohan and the movie is written by Koratala Siva .”Srimanthudu” movie featuring Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasanin the lead role while Jagapati Babu, Rajendra Prasad, Sampath Raj, Brahmanandam, Sukanya and Harish Uthaman appear in other importang supporting roles in the movie “Srimanthudu”. The movie is produced under the Production company of Mythri Movie Makers,G. Mahesh Babu Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. One of top music director Devi Sri Prasad composed the musice of this film “Srimanthudu”. Cinematography of this move is handled by R. Madhi while the editing of this movie is done by Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao. Here we have provided “Selvandhan” Movie complete review and rating.
All India Roundup Rating: 4 /5
Selvandhan Movie Cast and Crew:
Director : Koratala Siva
Producer : Y. Naveen, Y. Ravi Shankar, C. V. Mohan , Mahesh Babu
Writter : Koratala Siva
Starring :
- Mahesh Babu
- Shruti Haasan
Music : Devi Sri Prasad
Cinematography : R. Madhi
Editor : Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao
Production company : Mythri Movie Makers, G. Mahesh Babu Entertainment Pvt. Ltd
Distributer : Classic Entertainments
Release date : 7th August 2015
Country : India
Language : Tamil
Selvandhan Movie Story Line:
Mahesh Babu as Harsha is the son of a well off business Jagapathi Babu as Ravikanth. Mahesh goes against his father’s wish to take over the business, Mahesh wants to follow his heart, try something and earn some respect.
As a part of it, Mahesh learns about rural development course along with Shruti Hassan as Charusheela and eventually falls in love with her. But coming to know about Mahesh and his background, Shruti tries to avoid him that later leads Mahesh to his roots in a village where he realizes life and the ultimate goal of his life.
What are the hillocks Mahesh encountered in the course of his mission and how did he overcome? To be watched on big screen.
Selvandhan Movie Complete Review Rating :
Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasan are playing the main lead roles along with Jagapathi Babu and Rajendra Prasad in supporting roles. Mahesh Babu plays the role of a millionaire this movie in the name of Harsha. After he will visit village and will adopt their culture and realizes that adoption is nothing but helping the people who are in troubles. The performance of Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasanin a good storyline with a message have won the hearts of the audience. The first look teaser was released by Mahesh Babu in his twitter on the eve of Mahesh’s father Krishna’s birthday on 31 May 2015. The Tamil first look poster was released on July 24th, 2015.
Mahesh babu Different looks in “Selvandhan” movie:
Mahesh babu will be rock on Selvandhan with his 7 different lloks. Mahesh babu taken 6 weeks special physical trying for NRI Look and tried out many different looks. In one word, Mahesh babu tried many new looks that never he seen in his movies. As per his stylist Mahesh babu will be appear on Corporate owner look, rich kid, college student, fully mass look and dhoti look.
Selvandhan Movie Movie Trailer Review:
Selvandhan Movie trailer has been released on Aug 4, 2015 in YouTube and has received a grate reviews from the social networking sites among the audiences.
Selvandhan Movie Theatrical Trailer has been viewed more than 91,153 times in less than 12 hours of its release on YouTube. It has garnered 824 thumbs up and 34 thumbs down. Viewers are impressed with the making of the film.
Selvandhan Movie Positive (Plus) Points:
-Mahesh Babu Acting
– Direction
– Background Score
-Jagapathi Babu and Rajendra Prasad
– Cinematography
– Second Half
Selvandhan Movie Negative (Minus) Points:
-Pace of the Film (First Half-Run Time 163 min)
-Very Less Comedy