The Baadshah of Bollywood “Shah Rukh Khan” was presented with the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University Chancellor HRH The Princess Royal at the Edinburgh University. He also put up a show in this event which was impressed by all the people. Shah Rukh Khan performed his iconic ‘lungi dance’ in the event. Watch the video of Shah Rukh Khan “Lungi Dance” and the response of the audience.
Watch Video Here:
✨ @iamsrk dancing LUNGI DANCE at Edinburgh University. @EdinburghUni 15.10.2015 #2ndDoctorateForKingKhan
— ♡ SRK RUSSIAN FC ♡ (@SRKFC_Russia) October 15, 2015
Moreover, he gave an inspirational speech. SRK spoke in his typical ‘wit & humour with a dose of wisdom’ way. This is the second Doctorate of Shah Rukh Khan which was honoured for his outstanding record of philanthropy, altruism and humanitarianism and his global reach as an actor.