Today is Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan’s 50th birthday. As every SRK fan is busy celebrating their favorite hero birthday in many ways like posting SRK photos in Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and changing profile pictures, cutting cakes and many other ways. But let us try to be different from others. Here is a small recap of SRK’s first screen entry.
Shah Rukh Khan has been in the industry since 23 years and he worked very hard to reach the position he was now. He kept on proving his talent in each and every film. He was been called as King Khan, Bollywood Badshah. His performance in the films would charm everyone and screen presence makes him one of the biggest stars in Bollywood.
SRK was seen in more than 80 films and many TV shows which SRK’s journey started with a TV show called Fauji. SRK was first seen on screen in TV show Fauji. Fauji seemed out to be his stepping stone for succeeding and gain stardom. His journey was quite inspiring, from a TV Actor to one of the most popular and well-paid actors of the country.
Here is the first episode of SRK’s first screen performance in Fauji:
Enjoy watching the video and Wish Shah Rukh Khan a Very Happy Birthday.