Kollywood’s much-awaited movie Thani Oruvan featuring Jayam Ravi, Arvind Swamy and Nayantara in the lead roles has hit the theaters this Friday amid huge expectations and speculations of the movie. This Tamil flick Thani Oruvan movie is said to be a psychological thriller boasting Jayam Ravi, Nayanatar in main lead roles. Get the maximum of the movie Thani Oruvan with reliable movie review, rating, story plot and collections.
Thani Oruvan Rating: 3/5
Thani Oruvan Cast and Crew:
Starring Cast: Jayam Ravi, Aravind Swamy, Nayantara, Nassar, Vamsi Krishna, Ganesh, Venkatraman, Thambi Ramaiah, Harish Uthaman, Sricharan, Mugdha Godse, Sanjana Singh, Saiju Kurup, Abhinaya, Madhusudhan Rao, Nagineedu
Directed by: Mohan Raja
Produced by: Kalpathi S. Aghoram, Kalpathi S. Ganesh, Kalpathi S. Suresh
Written by: M. Raja, Subha
Music composed by: Hiphop Tamizha
Cinematography: Ramji
Edited by: Gopikrishna.V
Production company: AGS Entertainment
Distributed by: Sun Pictures
Release Dates: 28 August 2015
Country: India
Language: Tamil
Thani Oruvan Tamil Movie Review and Rating: Jayam Ravi, Arvind Swamy, Nayantara
Tamil audiences are being delighted with the latest movie Thani Oruvan which is entertaining audiences and viewers across the globe. Actor Jayam Ravi who entertained Kollywood Tamil films fans and audiences with his “Romeo Juliet” and “Sakalakala Vallavan” has hit the theaters with his latest Tamil film Thani Oruvan pairing with hot seductive actress Nayantara.
Kolllywood’s Thani Oruvan Tamil film is being directed by actor Jayam Ravi’s brother Jayam Raja whose pair is considered to be one of the hit pair of an industry. Kollywood Tamil film industries hit movies such as “Jayam”, “Santhosh Subramaniam” and “Thillangadi” are examples of their collaborative work. Huge speculations and anticipations have surrounded this Tamil flick Thani Oruvan which is being made Jayam brothers. Arvind Swamy is going to make his re-entry directly into the Tamil films with this movie which adds an advantage to the movie and the script of Thani Oruvan.
Tamil Film Thani Oruvan Movie Story Plot:
Latest Kollywood release Thani Oruvan us all about a regular Indian movie where goodness and honest battles with the evil side. Arvind Swamy plays the role of antagonist and has conflicts with lead hero Jayam Ravi. Jayam Ravi plays the role of IPS officer Mithran falls into love with the daughter of Siddharth Abhimanyu( Arvind Swamy) who is a leading business man with unethical practices. The rest of drama, love, actions fights are all about how Mithran IPS( Ravi) ties nuptial knots to Mahima( Nayantara) fighting with Siddharth Abhimanyu( Arvind Swamy).
Must See:
- Arvind Swamy’s come back action
- Glamorous actress Nayantara
- Jayam Ravi’s action sequences
Watch Tamil Film Thani Oruvan Teaser Trailer Review:
Kollywood’s latest release movie Thani Oruvan movie teaser and trailer was released on Aug 16, 2015. Since the day of release of Thani Oruvan teaser trailer, there has been a good positive response by the Tamil film audiences. So far Thani Oruvan movie is buzzing in the Tamil film industry with 474,105 views and 3, 615 likes in youtube.
Final Verdict:
Thani Oruvan latest Tamil film in yet another movie which can be watched with complete family this weekend. Kollywood Tamil film fans who love to watch the action-based drama and comedy movie, this is must watch a movie for you. Have a great time Thani Oruvan movie and get entertained.
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