The ICIA (Institute of Chartered Accountancy of India) announced a new schedule for the CA Exams for 2019. The board said that they had to reschedule so that it will not clash with the fast approaching Lok Sabha Elections 2019. The CA Exams 2019 were originally going to be held from May 2 to May 17, 2019. After rescheduling, the exams will start on May 27 and will end on June 12, 2019.
Click Here to see the official notification that was released by the ICAI.
This includes the Student Exams, Foundation Course under the new scheme, IPC (Intermediate Course) under the old scheme, Intermediate Course under the new scheme, the Final course under both new and old scheme, and the Members exams on different dates.
In the ICAI notice, it said that the new dates for submitting the CA exam forms will be on March 16, the last date with late fee will be on March 23.
There will be no examinations on 5 June 2019, the ICAI said that they will not change the examination schedule in any case.
The CA Exams 2019 is going to be conducted on 144 centers, this includes 5 centers outside India.