Friendship Day WallPapers

Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year. The tradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends began in US in 1935. Gradually the festival gained popularity and today Friendship Day is celebrated in large number of countries including India. On this day people spend time with their friends and express love for them. Exchange of Friendship Day Gifts like flowers, cards and wrist bands is a popular tradition of this occasion.

Initially created by the greeting card industry, evidence from social networking sites shows a revival of interest in the holiday that may have grown with the spread of the Internet, particularly in India, Bangladesh, and Malaysia. Digital communication modes such as the Internet and mobile phones may be helping to popularize the custom, since greeting friends en masse is now easier than before. Those who promote the holiday in South Asia attribute the tradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends to have originated in the U.S. in 1935, but it actually dates from 1919. The exchange of Friendship Day gifts like flowers, cards and wrist bands is a popular tradition of this occasion

Flower remembers bees
Fish remembers water
Tree remembers the rain
At this moment, I remember you!
To say happy friendship day to you!

We know each other by chance
We became friends by choice
Still friends by decision
And when we say ‘friends forever’
It is definitely a lifetime promise.
Happy Friendship Day

Friends r like mornings,
U can’t have them the whole day,
But U can be sure,
They’ll be there when U wake up,
Tomorrow, next week, next year…
Happy Friendship Day

Look outside, it is so pleasant!
Sun is smiling for you!
Trees are dancing for you!
Birds are singing for you!
Because, I asked them all to wish you
“A Happy Friendship Day”

Friendship is a blessing and to all those who have a friend.
It is the most precious gift god could ever send..
Here is wishing you a “Happy Friendship Day”

A good friend is like a computer,
He enters in your life,
Save him in your heart,
Formats all your troubles
And never delete you from his heart.
Happy Friendship Day

When heart beats, it says “lub-dub”.
Do you know what it means?
LUB says “Live your life Best”
DUB says “Do your Best in life”
Enjoy every heart beat.
Happy Friendship Day!

I made a list of my dearest person,
And I wrote them down in pencil,
I included your name but wrote it in permanent ink,
Because I decided to keep you in my list forever.
Happy Friendship Day!

Friendship is a little more trust,
A little less try,
A little more laugh,
And a little less cry,
A little more we and a little less I.
Happy Friendship Day

God gives us two gifts…
One is chance and the other is choice,
Chance to have friends
And choice to select the best ones, like you.
Happy Friendship Day

Friendship is not just about finding similarities,
It is about respecting differences.
You are not my friend because you are like me,
But, because I accept you and respect you the way you are.
Happy Friendship Day

Friendship Day WallPapers

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