11-Year-Old Girl Is Diagnosed With Dementia And Forgets Favorite Disney Songs

Molly Ingham, 11, is diagnosed with Dementia after she started to forget her favorite Disney songs.

The girl was reportedly perfectly healthy, but when she turned 6 years old, she started to show some signs of health-related problems.

When turning 6, she started to have seizures, started to lose her eyesight, started to have a bad memory, and her mobility was affected highly.

She was later diagnosed with the Batten Disease, which is a rare form of childhood dementia.

The youngster, who used to know every word to almost every song Disney has, can no longer sing any song that she used to sing when she was okay.

The girl is also having a hard time forming a sentence together.

Adele, the mother, said that Molly, the girl, is confined to a wheelchair so she could stop falling over.

Her balance is also poor.

Adele, who is 39, said:

It’s been devastating to watch the most outgoing little girl that could do everything every other six-year-old could do go into this situation. It’s soul destroying. It affects short term memory so she won’t take in new things. There’s a lot of confusion. She says she wants to go home when we’re already at home. She used to know every word to every Disney song now she can’t even string a sentence together. She can’t see anymore.

The family lives in Stalybridge, Greater Manchester, England.

The condition of Molly was first noticed at school.

Teachers reportedly saw that she was having a hard time jumping through a hula hoop in PE class despite watching all her classmates do it.

The kid also had a hard time the name of her school friends and stopped following instructions that were given to her.

A pediatrician initially thought that Molly had ADHD and a low IQ.

The family currently wants Molly to get treatment in the United States of America.

Adele is hoping to take Molly to the US for Gene Therapy Treatment, which could improve her quality of life.

The mother believes there is still hope.